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Thu., May 26, 12 - 12:45 p.m.

The Gut and Mental Health Link

The mind-gut pathway is a two-way street. To keep your body strong enough to fight infection and virus, it is important to keep your gut healthy. Explore science-based information with registered dietitian Nicole Maslar, RDN LDN to learn how both pathways can affect mental and physical health.

About the Presenter

Nicole Maslar, RDN, LDN

Nicole Maslar, RDN, LDN

Nicole is the owner and founder of Pyramid Nutrition Services, Inc, started September, 2000. After spending a little over a year working as a corporate Dietitian at the beginning of her career, traveling everywhere from New Jersey to California, spending most of her time away from her family, Nicole started looking for a better alternative. Pyramid Nutrition Services has grown from a staff of one to a team of Dietitians that provide both individual nutrition counseling as well as consultant Dietitian services to long-term care, assisted living, and senior centers.

Nicole enjoys being a Dietitian because she wants to help make a difference in the lives of people through health, wellness, and prevention. She believes that every small change in behavior or habit makes a big difference in enhancing one's life. Her areas of interest and specialties are weight management, bariatric counseling, Diabetes, Celiac disease, kidney disease, IBS and cardiac disease. She is a FODMAP certified provider by Monash University as of 2019.

Nicole received her Bachelor of Science in Biology and Chemistry with a Psychology minor from Western New England College, her Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics from Life University graduating Magna Cum Laude and completed her dietetic internship at Southern Regional Medical Center in Riverdale, Georgia.

Outside of the office, Nicole enjoys spending time with family and friends, travel, biking, and baseball!