Baystate Health Preferred HMO

Medicare Advantage Plan

An Integrated Health System Working For You

$0 PCP visits, $1,225 dental allowance and $800 in additional benefits!

With our Baystate Health Preferred HMO Medicare Advantage plan,* you get high quality care and comprehensive medical and prescription drug coverage from your local team – Health New England and Baystate Health. As an integrated health system serving residents of Hampden and Hampshire Counties, your care and coverage are coordinated to make sure you get the right care - at the right time, in the right place.

Provider Network

If you live in Hampden or Hampshire County in Massachusetts, you must select a Baystate Health network primary care provider (PCP) who is located at a Baystate Medical Practices office.*

  • If you live in Hampden or Hampshire County in Massachusetts, and you already have a Baystate Health PCP at a Baystate Medical Practices office, you can continue seeing your current PCP.*
  • You can see any Health New England in-network specialist without a referral. We have in-network specialists and hospitals throughout western Massachusetts.

*This plan is only available for members who reside in Hampden and Hampshire counties in Massachusetts, and is not available for Berkshire or Franklin County residents.

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Plan Highlights

• $0 PCP visits & telehealth services
• $0 preferred generic Rx
• $1,225 dental services allowance
• $800 Additional Benefits Card for fitness, hearing aid, eyewear, weight management programs, acupuncture, activity tracker allowance
• $260 annual over-the-counter items allowance
• No medical deductible
• Lower copays at preferred pharmacies
• Worldwide emergency care coverage

Extra Value Benefits

In addition to great medical coverage with the Baystate Health Preferred HMO plan, you get the following extra value benefits:

Dental Allowance

Dental Allowance

A benefit worth smiling about.

Dental Benefits



Coverage for eye exams, contacts and glasses.

Vision Care Benefits



Coverage for hearing aids.

Hearing Benefits



Over-the-counter items available through Optum.

OTC Allowance

Last updated: 10/1/23