Health New England GIC Plans

Health New England is proud to offer health plans to Group Insurance Commission (GIC) members in Massachusetts. Based in Springfield, we have been meeting the health care needs of Hampden, Hampshire, Franklin and Berkshire County residents for more than 35 years.

We offer two plans to GIC members: the HMO Regional Network Plan to employees and retirees without Medicare, and Medicare Supplement Plus for retirees over age 65 with Medicare Parts A and B. You can enroll in one of our plans online on the Massachusetts GIC website.

Our team would be glad to answer any questions you may have about your 2024 plan options, coverage or benefits. Feel free to contact us at (855) 218-2202.

Why Health New England?

With a Health New England plan, you will get:

  • Low cost rates
  • A comprehensive provider network
  • No referrals for in-plan specialists
  • Expanded wellness benefit
  • Standardized copays for PCPs and hospitals
  • 3 behavioral health telehealth visits at $0 (in-network only, including Teladoc)

For Employees and Retirees without Medicare

For Retirees with Medicare

Understand Your Benefits

Listen to some of the ways Health New England can help you.

Healthy Choices Wellness Program

Up to $500 in Prizes!

For every healthy choice you make in your life, we will give you points to trade in for raffle prize entries. You can start by earning an easy 500 points for taking the Health Assessment. Complete a few simple health activities during the year and earn points towards raffle entries from Health New England. Prizes include:

  • Fitbit activity trackers
  • Sneakers
  • A variety of gift cards
  • Raffle points redeemable toward a donation to a local organization*

*Donations will be chosen from a pre-selected list of organizations.

Get started by logging into the WebMD ONE Portal and learn about the personalized wellness resources it offers.

Download Guide WebMD ONE Portal

Member Resources

Health New England is making some changes to your Plan. This amendment outlines changes to certain benefits and programs that are part of the standard benefit plan. Please read the information carefully and keep it with your membership materials for future reference.

Choosing a Primary Care Provider (PCP) is the first and most important decision you must make when you join Health New England. Your PCP is the first person you should call when you need medical care. Your PCP is responsible to coordinate all of your non-emergency health care needs. Having a PCP can give you a trusting, ongoing relationship with someone that will be involved in your care for a long time.

As a member of GIC, you are required to select a PCP. Here are two options to help you select a new PCP:

  1. Visit the Member Portal to access your account or to register if you haven’t already done so. Search our Provider Directory and select a new PCP online in the Member Portal.
  2. Call Member Services at (413) 787-4004 or (800) 310-2835 (TTY: (800) 439-2370), Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Our representatives can provide up-to-date information on PCPs in your area.

Find a Provider

Use one of the search tools below and look through the most updated listing of participating primary care providers, specialists, hospitals, pharmacies, eyewear providers and more.

Online Provider Directory Urgent Care Facilities Eye and GI Surgical Centers

Learn About Mass4YOU EAP Programs

Mass4YOU, Your Employee Assistance Program, offers help when you need it. Call to speak confidentially with a specialist to get referrals or prior approval for a variety of services. Plus, you can go online to search for a provider and to find other resources. Available to all active state and municipal employees and their families eligible for GIC benefits.


Get support for:

  • Financial or legal concerns
  • Workplace or relationship challenges
  • Stress, anxiety or depression
  • Issues with alcohol, tobacco, gambling or drugs
  • Parenting and family problems
  • Much more

Free. Confidential*. Available 24/7. Mass4YOU: Your Employee Assistance Program

1-844-263-1982 | | Access code: mass4you

To learn more how the Mass4You works, watch our video.

Let’s learn more about mental health, together. Here's 9 steps to stand up to stigma.

Need help getting through times of uncertainty and crisis? Click here to learn how Mass4YOU can help.

*Confidential in accordance with the law.

This program should not be used for emergency or urgent care needs. In an emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. This program is not a substitute for a doctor’s or professional’s care. This program and its components may not be available in all states and coverage exclusions may apply. ©2019 Optum, Inc. All rights reserved.

GIC Mass4You_Financial Wellness_web

The car that won’t start. The leaky roof. The unexpected medical bill. Experts recommend having three to six months of income saved up for emergencies such as these. But many of us don’t.

With this new EAP financial benefit, you now have access to tools, tips and a Money Coach to help you create, manage and achieve your financial goals.

Here’s what you’ll get:

  1. Online resources: Complete a financial stress assessment, watch self directed learning modules and read articles that cover many financial relevant topics.
  2. Money coaching: Take advantage of a Money Coach who can help support and identify your financial goals.*
  3. More peace of mind: Our tools and guidance can help you learn to improve your credit score, reduce debt, invest, plan for retirement and more.

Mindful Matters
• Visit using your access code mass4you and search “financial wellness” to learn more.
• Call 1-844-263-1982
• Download the myliveandworkwell mobile app (access code mass4you).

* Money coaching services are furnished through My Secure Advantage. Money Coaches possess a minimum of five years of professional experience in the finance industry, with an average of 18 years of experience as certified financial planners, public accountants, former bankers and investment specialists.

1The Federal Reserve System Board of Governors. Report on the economic well-being of U.S. households. Accessed July 18, 2019. This service is provided at no additional cost as part of your benefits. All records are kept confidential in accordance with federal and state laws.

Information provided by this service is for informational purposes only. All information and ideas should be discussed in detail with your individual advisor prior to implementation to determine if it is applicable to you.