Privacy & Compliance

At Health New England, our leaders and associates strive to create and maintain a culture of integrity and compliance in all business activities. Our mission is to improve the health and life of the people in our communities. As part of this mission, Health New England leaders and associates endorse and support their commitment to act ethically and responsibly, obey the law, and report undesirable or unacceptable behavior.

Health New England’s compliance function reports directly to the Chief Executive Officer and Board of Directors. The compliance function independently reviews, investigates, reports, and can escalate issues to the Board of Directors as required. Our Compliance Hotline is also always available to our members, associates, and other constituents. The hotline can be used to obtain confidential ethics and compliance advice or to report unethical behavior.

If you believe, in good faith, that something Health New England or a Health New England associate is doing is illegal or unethical, please report your concerns, you may report your concerns anonymously.   

Health New England Compliance Department

To contact Health New England Compliance:
Ethics/Compliance Hotline: (800) 453-3959

Code of Conduct

It is Health New England's policy to conduct its business in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations and to assure that Health New England operates in a manner consistent with the letter and the spirit of the laws. To learn more, read our Code of Conduct.

Acceptable Use Policy

Health New England's Acceptable Use Policy outlines the acceptable use of computer equipment, network, systems and data. This policy is in place to protect the user and Health New England. To learn more, read the full Acceptable Use Policy.


All information contained on this Worldwide Web Site is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. For specific information or advice relating to your medical needs, please consult your Primary Care Physician.

Health New England disclaims all warranties with respect to any information, products or services posted on this Worldwide Web Site or any third-party Web site, including all express or implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Health New England be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever whether in an action of contract, negligence or other action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of the information, products or services posted on this, or any third-party, site.

In addition, HNE assumes no responsibility, and shall not be liable for any damages to or any viruses that may infect your computer equipment or software because of your access, use of or borrowing in this or any other site.

Linked Sites: Health New England is not responsible for the content of linked third-party sites, sites framed within the Health New England Site, or third-party advertisements, and does not warrant or represent the accuracy and/or lawfulness of the information posted on third party sites. Health New England's posting of a third-party site does not constitute endorsement or acceptance of the content of that site. Your use of third-party Web sites is at your own risk and subject to the terms and conditions of use for such sites.

Special Programs and Discounts: Although you may receive a discount on products or services advertised on a linked third-party site by virtue of your membership in Health New England, Health New England does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be advertised on the site. The products or services offered through these third party sites are not part of your HNE benefit plan. HNE shall not pay for or be otherwise responsible for any products or services ordered through the third-party sites. You should also consult your physician if you have any questions regarding how any of the products or services offered, such as herbal supplements, may interact with your normal care plan.

Email Communication: Remember: Any email message sent to HNE, like most Internet communications, could possibly be intercepted. That is, someone outside of HNE could potentially read your email without you or HNE being aware of it. Also, email messages may be read by employees of HNE (such as our information technology staff) as part of our regular business processes.

As a result, please do not send any information by email that is private or confidential. For confidential information, contact us by phone at the numbers shown on our web pages, or contact us by mail.