Where Your Health Matters Webinar Series

WebMD is offering a live webinar series to educate, engage and empower our community as we continue to navigate life’s changes. The series will take place once per month at noon and consist of 60-minute webinars. Guest speakers will be focusing a wide range of topics including back pain, meal planning, fitness, time management and social connectedness. Click the links below to learn more about each webinar and to register.

    Webinar completion link: https://form.jotform.com/83233877828167 

    January 9, 2025: Living Longer: Quality and Quantity (Watch)

    • Learn the differences between life-span and health-span. Explore how healthier lifestyle choices can help us to live better and live longer.

    February 13, 2025: Using Exercise Equipment to Build Fitness (Register)

    •  Provides an overview of physical activity guidelines. Discusses different types of cardiovascular and strengthening exercise equipment that can help build a fitness routine and a workout space.

    March 13, 2025: Smart Buys While Grocery Shopping (Register)

    • Understand marketing terms, how to read food labels, and everyday choices to make on each aisle. Identify the difference between retail and unit price, as well as avoid common shopping pitfalls.

    April 10, 2025: Ergonomics and Injury Prevention (Register)

    • Defines ergonomics and identifies risk factors in the home and workplace. Outlines opportunities to improve posture and reduce related injury, as well as providing exercises that will support a healthier body.

    May 8, 2025: Women's Hormonal Health (Register)

    • Better understand hormonal health for women with an overview of the phases of the menstrual cycle, hormone interrupters, and menopause.  Learn lifestyle tips to help balance hormones naturally.

    June 12, 2025: Exploring Men's Health (Register)

    • Discusses men's health including how some conditions impact men, including physical and mental health. Identifies screenings, exams and immunizations. Outlines healthy lifestyle behaviors to support men's health.

    July 10, 2025: Benefits of Walking (Register)

    • Discusses the health benefits of walking, including the mental and physical benefits. Also explores considerations for a new walking routine.

    August 14, 2025: Family Well-Being (Register)

    • Identifies opportunities to build better family meals by discussing nutrients for health, using the MyPlate method, and how to stay on track. Learn simple methods to get fit as a family by exploring barriers to exercise and defining goals for accountability. Understand how sleep strategies drive success by focusing on environment and routines.

    September 11, 2025: The Great Carbohydrate Debate (Register)

    • Explore the controversy around carbohydrates and various diet trends. Learn what good carbohydrates are, the importance of fiber, and how to positively impact your relationship with carbohydrates.

    October 9, 2025: Separating Fitness Facts from Fiction (Register)

    • Will cover various fitness trends, recommendations, and benefits. Including things like regular cardio vs. HITT, high vs. low reps, static vs. dynamic stretching.

    November 13, 2025: Diabetes Awareness (Register)

    • Defines prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. Identify risk factors and symptoms of type 2 diabetes. Uncover lifestyle changes to help prevent diabetes.

    December 11, 2025: Resilience (Register)

    • Define and understand what resilience is and how various factors such as physical, mental, social, and spiritual aspects may impact it. Learn ways to become more resilient through positive outlook and choices. Touches on additional resources available for stress management.

      Understanding Fad Diets (Watch)

      • Learn the pros and cons of various fad dieting trends. Explore the differences between different eating habits and understand the components of a well-balanced diet.

      Eating for a Healthy Heart (Watch)

      • Define heart health and the impact of cholesterol and sodium on your heart. Learn the role of fiber in heart health, what the DASH diet is, and the importance of exercise.

      Healthy Living on Your Budget (Watch)

      • Learn cost-saving habits and tips on how to successfully budget for your health as action now can be a savings later. Explore budget-friendly ways to manage healthy eating, exercise, and emotional self-care.

      Summer Fun & Sun Safety

      • Watch any time in April and fill out the webinar completion link!
      • Discuss how to have fun in the summer while protecting yourself and your family. Learn the benefits and risks with sun exposure.

      Ways to Sneak More Exercise into your Day (Watch)

      • This webinar provides 25 easy tips to find activity no matter your circumstance. Discuss reshaping daily routines to fit your exercise goals and demonstrates form to ensure best results from activities.

      Healthy Social Media Practices (Watch)

      • Social media is part of everyday life. Depending upon how social media is used, it can be a benefit or a potential risk to healthy living. Become more aware of current habits and learn responsible practices including being able to set boundaries, protect privacy, and stay grounded. A healthy relationship with social media means a healthier you.

      Fall Prevention, Balance and Healthy Aging (Watch)

      • Discuss why balance and fall prevention are important for longevity and identify how to prevent falls and balance issues. We will provide exercises to incorporate daily to help with balance and injury prevention.

      Sleep 101 (Watch)

      • Understand sleep recommendations and how to fight fatigue with healthy habits. Learn how to combat unique work hours and develop tactics for your best sleep.

      Thursdays in September: Self-Care Mini-Series

      • Self-care has been a popular buzzword for a long time, but especially through the COVID19 pandemic. It’s also an important practice for good physical and mental health to build resilience. Over four weeks, we’ll introduce you to different aspects of self-care, including Physical Resilience, Mindfulness and Positivity, Rethinking Your Outlook, and Finding Connections. This webinar will be offered as a series over 4 separate sessions ranging from 15-20 minutes in length.

      Thursday, October 10: Aerobic Exercise and Flexibility (Watch)

      • Better understand aerobic exercise and why it is important. Learn exercise guidelines, ways of measuring intensity, and how to get started. Explore types of stretching and flexibility activities. Understand the importance of when and why to stretch.

      Thursday, November 14: Stress and Mindfulness (Watch)

      • Define mindfulness and understand its role in stress management, eating behavior, and physical activity. Learn to become more resilient through positive choices and discover additional resources available for stress management.

      Thursday, December 12: Holiday Stress and SAD (Watch)

        • Discuss how stress is different during the holidays and the health implications of stress. Explore heightened time and resource demands associated with the holidays. Learn about Seasonal Affective Disorder and some methods for self-care and stress management.

        Back Health (Watch)
        • Learn about the function and anatomy of the spine and identify types of back pain, risk factors, and ideas for prevention. You will even explore exercises to improve back strength.

          Meal Planning Made Easy (Watch)

          • Learn the benefits of cooking meals at home through financial savings and healthier living. Take away tips and tricks to reduce meal prep time: creating a weekly meal plan, grocery lists, time management techniques, and building on your plan over time. 

          Fitness for All Ages & Abilities (Watch)

          • There are so many benefits to exercise for physical, mental/emotional well-being, and disease risk reduction. Discuss components of fitness, intensity levels, and recommendations based on where you are in your lifecycle and personal fitness journey. 

          Time Management and Organization (Watch)

          • Do you struggle planning your day or staying on track? Explore time management techniques to improve your organization skills. 

          Loneliness and Social Connectedness (Watch)

          • We will define loneliness and social connection and identify associated health risks. Understand the key benefits of social connection and learn ways to decrease loneliness and foster new healthy connections.

          Past Webinars

          Sessions will be recorded for future access on our Health New England YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/HealthNewEngland. A link to each webinar will be published below once the recording is available.

          Grief and Growth After Loss

          Loss comes in many forms; death, divorce, diagnosis of illness, loss of a job, becoming a caregiver, moving to a new town/city, navigating a pandemic, amongst a host of other situations. Liane will share her expertise in teaching real life tools & techniques that you can implement in your everyday life to help you take control of your emotions and future days ahead.

          Watch Recording from Tue., December 13

          About the Presenter

          Liane Smola

          Read Bio

          Releasing Tension and Stress Through Movement

          Moving your body is an effective way to improve your overall health and reduce stress. This slow, full-body practice will include grounding, warming and meditative postures to ease tension, calm the mind and increase a sense of well-being.

          Watch Recording from Tue., November 29

          About the Presenter

          Michele K. Lyman

          Read Bio

          Finances 101: A Panel

          Feeling lost or don’t know your next step with your money? Whatever your goals are or stage of life is, you can learn from our financial expert panel. Learn and ask questions about fixed expenses, creating a plan, debt, insurance, credit scores, the impact of an advisor and more. This webinar is for educational purposes only.

          Watch Recording from Tue., November 15

          About the Presenter

          Jamie Convery, Walter Rice and Nicholas Stoddard

          Read Bio

          The Gut and Mental Health Link

          The mind-gut pathway is a two-way street. To keep your body strong enough to fight infection and virus, it is important to keep your gut healthy. Explore science-based information with registered dietitian Nicole Maslar, RDN LDN to learn how both pathways can affect mental and physical health.

          Watch Recording from Thu., May 26

          About the Presenter

          Nicole Maslar, RDN, LDN

          Read Bio

          COVID Fatigue

          The COVID pandemic has placed an additional layer of emotional health concerns on many of us. How do we positively deal with anxiety, depression? Where can we find help? Join Alane Alane Burgess, MA, LMHC Bestlife Clinic Director and Kristy Navarro, MASW, LICSW, Bestlife Clinical Supervisor for a conversation on mental health and wellness.

          Watch Recording from Thu., May 12

          About the Presenter

          Alane Burgess (pictured) & Kristy Navarro

          Read Bio

          Movement and the Mind

          Learn about how to move with mindfulness with Active Peace founder and yoga teacher Reggie Hubbard and Ompractice CEO Chris Lucas.

          Watch Recording from Thu., April 28

          About the Presenter

          Reggie Hubbard (pictured) & Chris Lucas

          Read Bio

          Breath as Medicine in Sleep Health

          Sleep is the time for our physical, mental and emotional selves to restore and repair through important biological and physiological functions. Discover how the length, depth and pace of our breathing plays a vital role in sleep health.

          Watch Recording from Thu., April 14

          About the Presenter

          Ed Harrold

          Read Bio

          Where Food & Immunity Matter

          Your immune system is a finely tuned machine that has the power to defend itself against foreign invaders like viruses, bad bacteria and toxins. The food you put in your mouth can affect your body's immunity, help you win the fight towards optimal health, and improve your quality of life. Tune into this webinar for a nutrition tune-up!

          Watch Recording from Wed., March 24

          About the Presenter

          Nancy Dell, MS, RDN, LDN, CDE

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          Where Caregivers Matter

          Whether a working parent or a caregiver, juggling a career, family and your own needs is daunting especially with the effects of COVID 19 restrictions. Challenges from meal planning, sleep, spouse/partner communication and especially parent/caregiver guilt are exacerbated. Join The Wellness Scout and Certified Holistic Health Coach, Kirsten Wright-Cirit, to discuss how you can juggle the caregiver role after working a full day.

          Watch Recording from Wed., March 10

          About the Presenter

          Kirsten Wright-Cirit, BA, Certified Health & Wellness Coach

          Read Bio

          Where Conscious Activity Matters

          The ways we stay active may have changed with COVID, but there are many ways to continue to move. Learn how to incorporate new habits and what to focus on to create a new homeostasis that also includes nutrition and sleep.

          Watch Recording from Wed., February 24

          About the Presenter

          Michael Harris, BS, MS

          Read Bio

          Where Healthy Habits Matter

          In this interactive webinar, Saundra Schrock, PhD, CEO of Levelhead, will share practical, science-based micro-lessons to help you successfully establish or maintain essential healthy habits -- including how to create positive behavior change that improves sleep routines, limits stress eating, reduces stress, and more.

          Watch Recording from Wed., February 10

          About the Presenter

          Saundra Schrock, PhD

          Read Bio

          Where Health Consciousness Matters

          Health consciousness touches on many aspects of wellness. This webinar discusses aspects of health consciousness including mindfulness, consumer awareness, importance of self-care, and helping others.

          Watch Recording from Wed., January 13

          About the Presenter

          Dr. Joel Bennett

          Read Bio

          Work From Home Ergonomics 101

          In this Work From Home Ergonomics presentation, you will learn practical ergonomic solutions to improve your comfort, productivity and keep you safe from overuse injuries while working remotely.

          Watch Recording from Tue., October 12

          About the Presenter

          Morgan Sutherland

          Read Bio

          When Should I Seek Help from a Professional?

          In this talk, Dr. Somers will review common psychiatric conditions, what their most typical symptoms are, and what the signs are that you or your loved one may benefit from working with a mental health professional.

          Watch Recording from Tue., October 19

          About the Presenter

          Dr. Nathan Somers

          Read Bio