Healthy Directions Portal

Expert help and goal setting

A one-stop wellness shop for Health New England members, the Health New England Healthy Directions web portal is powered by WebMD ONE®, a trusted source of health information. Get the latest resources that WebMD ONE offers but in a personal and private portal just for you.* Inside you’ll find easy-to-use health and wellness tools such as a comprehensive health assessment, self-management tools, a daily habits coach, health trackers, self-help videos, healthy recipes and so much more.

Once you register, you will be ready to jump start your wellness goals.

  1. Check your health.
    In just 15 minutes, you can get a thorough assessment of your current health with results, recommendations and next steps from WebMD ONE without ever leaving your home. Get started by taking your personal Health Assessment.
  2. Set your goals.
    You are unique, and so are your health and wellness goals. The Daily Habits lets you set personal health goals to stay focused and motivated.
  3. Take a look around.
    Check out the rest of the Healthy Directions web portal to find out about the nutritional webinars, fitness programs and discounts to help you meet your health goals…So what are you waiting for?

Get Started >

*The Healthy Directions web portal is only available to Health New England health plan members. Some self-funded groups do not have access to the Healthy Directions web portal.

Help For Employers

You care about your employees’ health, and we’re here to help. As a service to our customers, Health New England provides promotional materials employers can use to encourage employee participation in Healthy Directions. Below are some quick links to these helpful resources.

If you have any questions or need assistance with Healthy Directions, please contact us at

DISCLAIMER: All information contained on this website, including the preventive health recommendations, is for general information purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. For specific information or advice relating to your medical needs, please consult your primary care provider.