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Thu., April 14, 12 - 12:45 p.m.

Breath as Medicine in Sleep Health

Sleep is the time for our physical, mental and emotional selves to restore and repair through important biological and physiological functions. There are several stages of sleep that we go through during the evening. Often these stages are interrupted because our modern schedules aren’t operating in conjunction with the body’s natural rhythms and cycles. These rhythms are known as our circadian rhythm and our ultradian rhythm. Both are communicating with our brain and autonomic nervous system telling us when to sleep, awaken, eat, rest, think, learn, digest and more.

“HOW” we breathe is the master regulator for both the circadian and ultradian rhythms as well as the response of our Autonomic Nervous System. By learning how to consciously control the breath to improve breath rates and patterns, we improve the communication of these cycles resulting in a more restorative sleep, cognitive function, memory, mood and behavior.

Learning Objectives:

• Reveal how breath rates and patterns influence the response of our autonomic nervous system
• Understand the role of the nasal cycle as it relates to our autonomic nervous system
• Learn breathwork techniques to balance autonomic nervous system, fall asleep and/or fall back asleep

Discover how the length, depth and pace of our nasal breathing plays a vital role in sleep health.

About the Presenter

Ed Harrold

Ed Harrold

Ed Harrold is an author, inspirational leader, public speaker, coach and educator. Ed’s mastery in the science of mindful breathing has guided him to apply conscious breathing practices in corporate health & performance coaching, fitness & athletic training, healthcare continuing education courses, stress reduction and overall health and well-being. Ed is the author of Life With Breath IQ + EQ = NEW YOU & BodyMindBusiness: The Business Of BE’ing Within.

Ed blends the fields of neuroscience and the wisdom of contemplative traditions into effective strategies to improve health, well-being and performance. Ed’s fluency in mindfulness-based strategies combined with the belief in the human potential gives him the depth and understanding to meet individuals and group needs across industries and platforms.

Ed is a contributing health & wellness editor for Thrive Global, MindBodyGreen & PTOnTheNet, HuffingtonPost and more. Ed’s Breath AS Medicine Trainings are Continuing Education trainings with the health and wellness, fitness and medical fields. In 2020, Ed partnered with The Goldie Hawn Foundation MindUP as their Breath Expert.