Pillar 2 Milestones

Corporate Platform

Using our corporate platform to work ethically every day. And to raise awareness and response around health disparities with community leaders.

  • December 2020: Health New England’s Board of Directors votes to formally incorporate DEIB into Health New England’s Variable Compensation Plan, establishing corporate goals around associate engagement, recruitment and retention of diverse talent at all levels of the organization (including at the Board level).
  • July 2020: Begin updating HNE’s Language Policy and Style Guide to create an environment in which all associates and all members feel represented, respected and included in our communications and messaging.
  • March 2021: Begin developing a multidisciplinary Equity Framework to assess and evaluate corporate initiatives to center racial, gender and health equity in the planning, process development, and implementation stages.
  • March 2021: Begin reviewing vendor and supplier processes and requests for proposals for demographic diversity and for DEIB strategies.